Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Hola, Ese.  (:

I'm not one to go into detail about my past.  So let's just save that for a rainy day.
I'm a girl of many words.  I speak my mind when it needs to be spoken.
I've got the silliest fears and phobias.

So, if you're interested, this is pretty much the basics about me.

My name is Tatiana Nicole Trindad, yes...  T.N.T.  {Known fact, I'm always called Dynamite and people ALWAYS sing the song by A.C.D.C when I tell them my initials.  Also, that it's ironic because I'm Bi-Polar.}
When I was little, a little boy named Vince would always make fun of my name, singing this one song over and over again, "Tati's a Hottie cuz' she pee's on the potty".  It was flattering, the Hottie part, but it never made sense to me.  Yet it always stuck...

I'm overweight.
Favorite Color:  Light Blue.
Favorite Movie:  The Labyrinth. (1986 Film with Jennifer Connelly, and OF COURSE, Davie Bowie.<3)
Favorite Song:  Anything by Michael Jackson is my Theme song to life in general.
Favorite Food:  Steak, if you ever take me anywhere, it better have Steak on the menu. (:  I also love Clam Chowder, only in the bread bowls though.  (Thanks a lot, Rae, for making me addicted to it...)
Favorite Hobby(s):  Singing.  I could sing all day and night without a pause.  I've been singing since I was so small.  I also love Acting, very important to me.  Photography...  UGH I love photos, taking photos, everything to do with a Camera, I love.
Favorite Game(s):  When I was little, all I ever played was Super Mario, Donkey Kong, and Zelda (Ocarina of Time, duh).  I also LOVE World of Warcraft, First person shooters like Call of Duty.  My first MMORPG was EverQuest.  (:  I've played Aion, Rift, Lord of the Rings Online, Monkeyball, IMVU, HabboHotel(lol), etc...
Favorite Animal(s):  Pandas...  Every person on earth that I've met has liked Pandas.  But they know NOTHING about them.  If you ask me, I know everything there is to know about a Panda.  (:  Elephants.  Something about them just makes me smile.  They're so adorable and unique.  Prairie Dogs, don't ask.  They're just cute and loyal.
Favorite Music Style:  Anything that sounds good, has a good beat/rhythm is a good song for me.  Dubstep is awesome, as well.

Least Favorite Color:  Poopy Green...  LOL.  I just hate the color of chewed-up looking grass..
Least Favorite Song:  Something overplayed...  Not sure though.  Not a huge fan of 'Lil Wayne...
Least Favorite Movie:  Paranormal Activity.  Everyone said it was SO scary, but I didn't jump once.  I watched it alone at 2:00AM, in the dark.  My heart pumped fast at the end though, her face was nasty...
Least Favorite Food:  Fish, any type of fish.  And Green Beans wtf.
Fears:  Deep water, you NEVER know what's beneath you ugh I can't stand the fact that there could be a Whale or an Animal Body, or a Shark floating beneath you, I can't do it.
Spiders.  Nastiest little creeps I've ever seen in my life.  I can't go anywhere near them.  If I see one, I scream and cry in a corner.  My mom's literally had to hold me once because I was so scared.  If it scares me bad enough, I get really shaky and sometimes get light headed.  I just really hate them..
The Statue of Liberty.  Not that she's ugly, or she's an ugly color.  But her SIZE.  She's flunkin' huge people.  She could terrorize the world if she came to life.  I hate large objects in general like that.  (No pun, PG please).  Oh THANKS Ghost Busters for adding that to my fears..
The Dark.


Q.  Are you fat?
A.  YES. (:

Q.  You sing?
A.  I do.  I might even make YouTube Videos of me singing.

Q.  What made you want to start Blogging?
A.  I've looked into it for a really long time, but it just recently hit me to start doing it.  I've loved writing since I was little, and I would always do a diary of my own so I could keep my feelings to myself.  But I noticed it's not a good outlet, at least for myself anyway.  I enjoy telling people strange facts about my life and see people do the whole, "OH MY GOD I DO THAT TOO" thing.  I want people to relate from me, and to feel comfortable with expressing their feelings.  I'm someone who people can relate to on many levels.  I feel that giving my own opinion on the internet, is an amazing outlet for people.  :DD Long enough.

Q.  What are your pet peeves?
A.  I've got SO many...
     1.  When people can't put "Your" and "You're" in the right context...
     2.  When people eat with their mouth open, or don't use a napkin and get it all over their fingers.  I really hate when they have something on their face, I can't sit there and tell them because it would be awkward for me.  I get grossed out easily around groups of people eating.
     3.  The quiet.  I absolutely HATE when it's pitch quiet, because I get a ringing in my ear.  It's like static...  Can't stand it.
     4.  The way people chew their gum.  They have their mouth all open, and I can see spit in their mouth and stuff.  The noise is so disgusting..
     5.  When people smack their mouth right before saying a word/sentence.  
     6.  When people don't shower or brush their teeth, and go out in public.  I don't feel like smelling people's stench.  Don't EVEN come close to me and whisper in my ear if you haven't brushed your teeth today. >:(
     7.  When girls say they don't fart or burp.  Everyone does it, calm down.
     8.  When girls/guys flirt, and I wind up being the third wheel.
     9.  When people smoke around me...
   10.  When people never ask for your opinion, and go do something.  It's annoying and ruuuuude.

So, that's pretty much everything one needs to know about me.  (:  

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